Submit To Google

Search Engine Submission. Submitting Your Website To the Search Engines.

Getting your website ready for Google and the rest of the search engines.

Popular Search Engines

1. Proper H1, H2, H3 header text.

2. Proper Meta Tags

3. Proper Body Content & Up-To-Date Info

4. Get Links Fast & Early

5. Submit your site to specialized directories

6. Search Engine Submission

Proper H1, H2, H3 header text.
Make sure your web pages have H1, H2, H3, Text and so on.
Google loves header text Headings within the pages itself.
(Describing your web page) Add a H1 heading in your banner or top of your web page that Google will look at.

Have an opening statement that best describes that page.
For example:
If I wanted to describe my Website Design Page, I would use the term "website design"

"Thank you for visiting my website design business. We offer complete website design services for every occasion. Our website design prices are reasonable and our website design services are excellent!"

Proper Meta Tags.
There are 4 important Meta Tags

The Title Tag
The Description Tag
The Keyword Tag
The Alt Tag

Proper Body Content & Up-To-Date Info
Creating content that is helpful and useful.

Offer your visitors the information they need to reach a goal or an achievement, a service they require, a question you can answer, or simply something you can do to make them come back to your website.
You might have a daily joke, a daily quote, or daily news feed.

Keep your pages up-to-date. Fresh content that changes, or gets updates according to the times, or the needs.

Great sites are

written to make the viewer respond
Consistently formatted

Keyword Phrases

Rather than focusing on a single word, try adding a few words to make a keyword phrase. You may want to read about effective Google searches to see how keyword phrases help with searches. If you were searching for your own website, what keyword phrase would you type into Google for each page?
Would you look for best website designers? Would you look for cheap website designers? It may be helpful to get a different perspective. Ask someone else to read your page and suggest what they think your keyword phrase might be. You can also check Google Trends to see if one phrase is starting to gain popularity. Try to stick to one subject per page, and stick to one keyword phrase per page. Clear writing is both easier to search and easier to read. Create your page content based on a human looking at your web page, not Google Bots.

Google works like a human and its bots like a human. They make over 400 Changes a year to their Algorithm to make their search engine fair and clean for all people.
Remember this when you create your body text and header text. Think of it like a Google employee is looking over your website to see where he/she thinks you should sit in the search results. %uF04A
Is your Keyword or phrase the proper one for your web page?


One of the things Google looks for when it indexes pages is the density of the keyword usage. In other words, how often the keyword occurs. Use natural phrasing. Don t try to trick the search engine by repeating the same word over and over or making text "invisible." It doesn't t work. In fact, some of that behaviour even gets
your website banned.

Give a strong opening paragraph. Google may or may not search beyond the first 200 words or so of your web site, but it definitely looks at the first paragraph for keyword density. You can check your keyword density with Google Toolbar. Name Your Pages and make sure you use the headings (H1) on your pages that reflect your actual content on that page. This is what we talked about earlier.

Create valuable content.

Make sure your content is great to others. It has to provide value and help others. You have to be better than the other person to have a similar website. Do lots of research and have all your i's doted and your t's crossed.
You have to go above and beyond your customer! You have to enlighten them like
no-one else can. Your site has to be different.

Create original content.

Make sure your content is original and yours! Do not take it from other websites. First off, it's illegal, and second, it's not from you. Your visitors will not want to go to a website that is cloned from another.
Try your best to add original content and avoid taking idea s from others unless you have special permission to do so. Creating content that is helpful and useful. Simply cobbling together information from another website
will not generate traffic. You need to offer visitors the information they need to achieve a goal, solve a problem, be entertained, find out quality news or have a good laugh. Be different than those other sites.

Have an About Page

Let your visitors know who you are. Talk about your family and ambitions in life. My ambition is to have the biggest website of all time! Not for the money, but to be able to help as many people as I can.
The bigger the website, the bigger the content I can add for my visitors.

Get Links Fast And Early

One of the biggest factors Google looks at is the hyperlink. Google looks at both links to and from your website. The more links you have out there, the better chances you increase your page rank and your visitors to your website. People like to go to websites that have HIGH page ranking because they trust
Google and their ranking procedures.

Google looks at the words you use in links to help determine the content of your page. Use links within web pages as a way to emphasize keywords. Rather than saying, "click here to learn more about SEO" you should say: Read more about SEO
(Search Engine Optimization).

Links from other websites to your website are used to determine Page Rank.

You can use Google Toolbar to check your current Page Rank. You can improve your Page Rank by exchanging text links with other relevant websites. Banner exchanges are not as effective. You can also improve your Page Rank by making sure your website is listed with important directories. In other words, check the Page Rank of the home page of the directory.
Back links

Back links are simply a link from somewhere else to your site.
It's a really easy concept, in fact, it s really easy to do. Making a back link only takes a minute or two. That's not too bad. However, when you are talking about having thousands of back links to your site, you start talking in the thousands of minutes and that is a long time.

Creating back links can be time consuming and seriously tedious and boring,
but you have to do it!

There are websites out there that will take your money and say that they will back link your website to thousands of other sites. BE CAREFULL, if it sounds too good, it normally is too good to be true.
Creating back links using blogs, websites, and forums is always a good practice, as long as you are using places with a good repetition, and not a link farm outfit.

You can find a blog or forum that is about a similar topic as what you will be linking to. You read the blog and then you make an insightful and meaningful comment to the post. When you are finished with your post you also put a link to the site you
want the search engines to go look at.

How do I make a back link?

Here are some examples of Back links. Website Use to or Website Use

Submit Your Site To A Specialized Directory

Submit your site to specialized directories.

For instance, A site on Automotive Parts should be sent to Automotive or a Specialized Part directories. A website on Bugs, should be sent to a Specialized Insect/Bug Directory. Etc..

Don't get too submission happy, though. Google, in an effort to combat click fraud, often filters out websites linked from link farms, or pages with nothing but links to other websites.

This is one reason why free services to register your website may hurt you. Stick to specialized directories and organizations.
They are more likely to help and not hurt your rankings.

Add Your Website To the DMOZ ( Open Directory ) Directory.
Here you may choose your specialized category for your website.
Go To DMOZ Google Considers this directory important!!

Search Engine Submission
Submit your website to all the search engines you possibly can. Don't over submit it because some will NOT index your website and you will not do well with those search engines. When you submit your website to those search engines, you might have to upload a Meta tag or html file to your server. Do this. Also, add a robot.txt file that allows these search engines to use their spiders to crawl through your websites.

Make sure Google, Yahoo, and Bing also have your sitemap. Example would be

Create a Webmaster Account With All These Search Engines To Submit Your
Sitemap And To View Your Analytics Of Visitors To Your Website.

Once You Submit And Upload A Sitemap, Don't Do It Again.
Too Many Submissions Will Actually Hurt Your Chances To Have Your
Web Pages Indexed.

To View Your Indexed Pages In Google,. Type In: In Google and you Will See All The Indexed Pages.

Submit your website to the search engine.

This video will show you the basics on how to submit your website to the search engines and how to get it ready before you do this.

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