Blog Or Website? Which one should you choose?

Creating a Blog Or a Website?

I hope this can serve some purpose to help you decide...

A great way to get your website popular is to create a blog and add very useful information to it like I am doing right now. Having a blog is one of the best ways to promote your business and to increase your repetition. The problem at times we suffer is what to create? A blog or a website.


A blog is a frequently updated online personal journal or diary. It is a place to express yourself to the world. A place to share your thoughts and your passions. Really, it s anything you want it to be. For our purposes we'll say that a blog is your own Web site that you are going to update on an ongoing basis. Blog is a short form for the word weblog and the two words are used interchangeably.

Here is another description of what is a Blog.

What is a "blog" ?

"Blog" is an abbreviated version of "weblog," which is a term used to describe web sites that maintain an ongoing chronicle of information. A blog features diary-type commentary and links to articles on other Web sites, usually presented as a list of entries in reverse chronological order. Blogs range from the personal to the political, and can focus on one narrow subject or a whole range of subjects.

Many blogs focus on a particular topic, such as web design, home staging, sports, or mobile technology. Some are more eclectic, presenting links to all types of other sites. And others are more like personal journals, presenting the author s daily life and thoughts.

Generally speaking (although there are exceptions), blogs tend to have a few things in common:

The More people you get on your Blog, the better chances you have also to increase in ranking with the search engines.  A Blog helps out a bit when you are trying to build your website visitors because you can post your Blog anywhere.

When you sign up for some website tools and services at You recieve a FREE blog cast blog for your domain. It is a very good feature to add to your website.

5 Reasons to pick a blog as your website.

Blogs give Individuals, Companies and Brands Communication’

When you post in a blog, you get people to post back and this is open communicationm between yourself and others, business relations and so on. The information is exchanged monthly, daily, hourly, or even by the minute.

It's a great tool for open communication for people or business s

Blogs are Conversational

both in the style of writing, the way they interact with one another and the way that they are designed with comments at their heart blogs are all about the conversation.

Blogs build Trust

For Individuals or business s– as a result of being a relational/conversational medium a blogger can build trust with their audience. It might take lots of time, just like a customer of a store might take a long time to build up a trust with the owner of that store. Over time, if treated properly, the customer gains trust in that business.

Blogs build Profile

looking to become an ‘expert’ (or at least be perceived as an expert) in your field. Blogs have the ability to showcase your expertise and help you become the ‘go to’ person in your field.

Blogs are great for Search Engines and Social Media

Search engines like Google and Social media like face book, find blogs fascinating. They are interested in ranking a much posted post in the search engines so people can find it. Whatever is popular on the web, is popular on the search engines.

5 Reasons why a Blog May Not be for You

Blogs Take Time to Build Up and Get you Recognized.

It could take a very long time for your Blog to become popular enough to get lots of visitors going to it on a regular basis. You just can t set it up and ignore it. You have to post to it all the time and have other people or business s post to it. The more you post, the more people will post to it and the bigger it will become.

It will get recognized by the search engines the more posting you have on it. BUT, it takes time. It will not happen overnight.

Blogs Take Hourly, Daily, Monthly, and Yearly Work

The key to successful blogging is to post quality content on a regular basis. Most bloggers post on a daily basis, many of the top blogs post numerous times per day. Combine this fact with the last point (ie that it takes years for a blog to mature) and you have this question to ask yourself: Is it worth the time and agony?

Blogs Take More than Writing - Administrating Needs

Bloggers face a lot of other practical challenges on their way to success. These include moderating comments, designing the look of it, controlling spam, hackers, marketing, and more.

The list of jobs that a blogger needs to do can be overwhelming to a new blogger. Of course a lot of these skills develop over time and become a natural part of your working rhythm – but it’s worth counting the cost of this before you get into blogging.

Bloggers Can Hurt your reputation

You can actually hurt your reputation in your niche if you don’t use your blog well. Everything that you do on your blog has the potential to either build or destroy your reputation in some way. Remember that what you ‘publish’ online is permanent. While you might delete it from your actual blog there will be a record of it somewhere online. So publishing untruths, writing while angry, being manipulative or not being transparent on your blog can actually come back to bite you and hurt your reputation. The vast majority of bloggers have positive experiences from blogging but do enter into it with a little caution and care.

Your Blog will Rely on You to make it SUCCESSFUL - Time and effort is only the beginning to a successful BLOG!

Like I mentioned above, you have to start your blog and continue with it all the time! Post and Post until you can t post some more and then post some more. Make sense? The more information you have on your blog, the more people will turn to it and the more search engines will recognize it and you will be on your way to success!

Add pictures, tutorials, guides to help people out so they will come back. Just like my static website you are on now. Make it compelling to the average Joe.

Blog or Website - which one should I choose?

I have both. I use my blog and my website to teach people how to build their own website or blogs. Funny eh? I am writing to teach you how to build a blog or website, while trying to get my website and blog up to par. It's a win/win situation for you and I.

Good luck whichever way you choose to do. I wish you all success in the blog or website life.

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