Making Website Popular

Here are 5 steps to make your website get popular.
Please note *** this requires a lot of time and effort on your part. You have to be persistent and NEVER give up!
Plus some Myths & Truths about search engines.

Plus 3 Facts to consider when dealing with search engines.
  1. The Right Tools In Place
  2. Optimized Perfectly
  3. Social Media Involvement
  4. Visitor Involvement
  5. Content Is What They Want

All the correct tools in place
Make sure you have all tools in place to build and host a website. You have to use a hosting company that never goes down. Your software you use to build your website has to be up-to-date, or your designer has to be up-to-date on all the programming code available and the web pages have to be friendly with browsers and such. Make sure when your website gets created, you check the look and feel in all Major Browsers Such: As Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Google Chrome. Do they all look the same? Are the text fields and images overlapping in one, and not the other?
They all have to be user friendly and easy to read and understand. Look at all your inner web pages also.
You can have your web pages look so groovy, but most people won't be able to see them if they are full of flash and other high maintenance languages. Flash is great, but not search engine friendly and at times not browser friendly in certain browsers. Again, look at all browsers.
Flash is a NO when you want a search engine friendly website created. It can be done fancy with no flash.
Keep it clean and simple. So to summarize it, you have to have the proper tools to do the proper job. Great hosting, up 99.9 % of the time. The proper tools to build that site. The proper knowledge to build it. Knowledge that is up with the times and the trends. Keep up with the Jones’s!
Optimized Perfect
Your website needs to be optimized and the visibility has to be great! You need to make sure the content of your web pages are good and the keyword tags are done properly, the description tag is done good, and the title of that page. Click here for more information.
Use Alt Tags whenever possible on your images and photos. The new Google Algorithm uses Alt Tags more often than ever before. Keep this in mind.
Have your text in your body of that web page related exactly to that page. Please use the keyword or keyword phrase you want people to find you with when they do a search in Google for term.
Remember, DO NOT add so many keywords or phrases to your body text for it to look like your spamming and trying to trick the search engines. It will not work and this will penalize your web page and maybe your entire website. It could also get you banned from Google!
Keep your pages neat and tidy, organized and clean.
Social Media Involvement
Be involved in social media and take advantage of it. Share your link to your website over Face book, MySpace, Twitter, You Tube, LinkedIn, and other social media websites. Make some videos and share them with everyone over the net using You Tube. Have a title page at end with your website address on it telling people where to go. Just like my video series on Search Engine Optimization you are seeing now.
Have a button for all these social networking websites that is attached to your website, at bottom of your home page so people can connect with you.
Create some interactions through social media where your visitors can do things, post comments, and get involved with your idea’s and content.
Create a Blog or Forum for your website. Maybe that’s all you are doing, and you do not have a website. In this case, create a website. You should have both.
Have your blog spitting out fresh content all the time and always keep it up to date and keep posting your new idea’s and content on it. Share this content on your website where people can see and also get involved with it.
Generate lots of back links to your website from all of these social networking and blog sites.
Your Visitors Get Involved
A crucial point to make your site grow in the number of visitors is by getting them involved. Ask them their input, get advice. Try to write in a personal style, and don’t be afraid to leave an open question. If this shouldn’t do it, why not hold a contest? This will most likely get people talking about your site. The prize doesn’t have to cost a fortune, since people like to compete regardless of what the
award is - its human nature.
Create a FREE section for FREE information. Example is this SEO series. I like to help people, plus it’s a way to get people to visit my website. Do You See the idea?
The 3 Things You Need To Do To Be Successful In Your Website
  1. You need to get people to your website. Unique Idea, Different, Fun, Exciting, and Addicting.
  1. You need to get people to stay past 10 seconds. Catch their attention, get them involved, and keep them happy.
  2. Have the people return to your website. Have them tell others about your website.

Content Is What They Want
Make sure your design and page content is good. Make sure you have all the tools on your website and people don't have to go somewhere else to get their questions answered, or their product or service they are looking for.  Make it a one stop for all their needs!
Have a contact me in place and an about me page. This way the visitors to your website will get to know you more and they will become more trust worthy and comfortable with you.
If you can build trust, you can build a healthy relationship with your visitors.
Myths & Truths about SEO
"Submitting to search engines means everyone on the
Internet will find you."
People are not going to find you in search engines just because you submitted to them. If you truly want to capture your fair share and more of search engine traffic, you must
Optimize your Web pages
"Nobody needs search engine optimization."
More than 70% of Internet users use search engines to find what they are looking for. Therefore any Website wanting new visitors needs search engine optimization
Facts about Search Engines
Fact #1:
If you are not on the first page of search results, over 70% of Internet users will not find you!
Fact #2:
All major search engines including Google, Yahoo, Bing and others utilize Meta Tags. Don't take my word for it, visit Google or Yahoo and see what they have to say about
Title, Keyword, Alt, and Descriptions Meta Tag optimization
Fact #3:
 Having a search engine friendly Title and Meta Tags is the most basic step toward search engine optimization (SEO). This can help a little, but it's rarely enough to outrank the competition.
Thank You!
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